Bedroom Small White Bugs: What Are They And How To Get Rid Of Them?

I Have Tiny White Bugs In My Bedroom
I Have Tiny White Bugs In My Bedroom from

What Are Bedroom Small White Bugs?

If you’ve noticed small white bugs in your bedroom, you’re not alone. These tiny creatures can be a major nuisance, and they can spread quickly if you don’t do something to get rid of them. But what are they exactly?

Bedroom small white bugs are usually one of two insects: psocids or booklice. Psocids, also known as “barklice” or “straw itches,” are small, wingless insects that are about 1/16 inch long. They are usually light brown or grayish in color, but can sometimes be white. They feed on fungi, algae, lichens, and decaying organic matter.

Where Do Bedroom Small White Bugs Come From?

Psocids can enter your home through cracks in windows, doors, and other openings. They can also be brought in through firewood and other materials that have been stored outdoors. Once inside, they can be found in warm, moist areas such as bathrooms, kitchens, and basements.

Booklice, on the other hand, are usually found in houses that are moisture-damaged or have high humidity levels. They’re typically less than 1/8 inch long and are white or gray in color. They feed on mold and fungi, so they’re commonly found in damp areas such as bathrooms, basements, and crawl spaces.

What Do Bedroom Small White Bugs Look Like?

Bedroom small white bugs are small and can be difficult to see without a magnifying glass. Psocids are light brown or grayish in color and are about 1/16 inch long. They have long antennae and six legs. Booklice are usually less than 1/8 inch long and are white or gray in color. They have short antennae and six legs.

How to Get Rid of Bedroom Small White Bugs

The first step in getting rid of bedroom small white bugs is to identify the type of insect. If you’ve identified them as psocids, the best way to get rid of them is to reduce the moisture in the affected area. This can be done by using a dehumidifier or increasing ventilation in the area. You should also make sure to keep the area clean and free of clutter.

If you’ve identified the bugs as booklice, the best way to get rid of them is to reduce moisture levels in the affected area. This can be done by using a dehumidifier, increasing ventilation, and fixing any water leaks or other sources of moisture. It’s also important to keep the area clean and free of clutter.

Tips for Preventing Bedroom Small White Bugs

The best way to prevent bedroom small white bugs is to keep your home free of moisture and humidity. This can be done by using a dehumidifier, increasing ventilation, and fixing any water leaks or other sources of moisture. You should also make sure to keep the area clean and free of clutter. Additionally, you should inspect any firewood or other materials that you bring into your home for signs of infestation.

Common Mistakes When Dealing with Bedroom Small White Bugs

One common mistake people make when dealing with bedroom small white bugs is using insecticides. These products are not effective against psocids or booklice and can even be dangerous if used incorrectly. It’s also important to make sure you’ve identified the type of insect before attempting to get rid of them.


Bedroom small white bugs can be a major nuisance, but they can be controlled if you take the right steps. The key is to identify the type of insect and take steps to reduce moisture and humidity levels in the affected area. Additionally, you should inspect any firewood or other materials that you bring into your home for signs of infestation. By following these tips, you can get rid of bedroom small white bugs and keep them from coming back.

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